Architectural Support for Software-Defined Metadata Processing


Optimized hardware for propagating and checking software-programmable metadata tags can achieve low runtime overhead. We generalize prior work on hardware tagging by considering a generic architecture that supports software-defined policies over metadata of arbitrary size and complexity; we introduce several novel microarchitectural optimizations that keep the overhead of this rich processing low. Our model thus achieves the efficiency of previous hardware-based approaches with the flexibility of the software-based ones. We demonstrate this by using it to enforce four diverse safety and security policies—spatial and temporal memory safety, taint tracking, control-flow integrity, and code and data separation—plus a composite policy that enforces all of them simultaneously. Experiments on SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks with a PUMP-enhanced RISC processor show modest impact on runtime (typically under 10%) and power ceiling (less than 10%), in return for some increase in energy usage (typically under 60%) and area for on-chip memory structures (110%).

In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
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André DeHon
André DeHon
Boileau Professor of Electrical Engineering, ESE, CIS